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How to plant a tree

Planting a tree is not difficult. With an optimal location and correct planting, the tree can grow successfully. It is often recommended not to plant young trees in autumn but in spring, as some species are considered sensitive to frost at a young age.

What u need:

o A tree of your choice

o A tarp to protect the lawn

o Bark mulc

o Three wooden posts

o A rope

o A hammer

o Some gloves

o Watering can

Step by step:

You start with digging a whole in the floor and loosing the soil, so the roots can grow more easy. Then you put the tree straight into the whole and fill up the empty spaces with soil. That the tree is safe from storm you you dig again three wholes around the tree and put in your three posts, the distance between tree and post should be 30cm and the

posts should reach 50cm into the soil. Finally you connect your tree with the rope to the posts. Finally you surround you tree with bark mulch and water it. There you have it!! Your very own tree, planted by yourself

-by Sarah

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