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Recycling is important


Every day we produce waste. In 2015, the average per person in Germany was 450 kilograms, more than 1. 2 kilograms per day. However, waste is also a valuable raw material that can be used. This protects the environment. Because if raw materials from waste are used, fewer raw materials have to be taken from nature. For plastics, for example, crude oil is used, for paper, fibres from wood are needed. It is not only the extraction of these raw materials that pollutes the environment. Energy is also consumed in their processing. The laws in Germany stipulate that as little waste as possible should no longer end up in landfills. Instead, a cycle should be created in which raw materials and materials are reused after use. Glass, for example, can be melted down as often as required. Less heat is required than for the production of new glass. That is why recycling saves energy. Recycling also works well with paper. Wood is used as the raw material for fibre production. However, these fibres can be recovered from waste paper. Other waste that can be reused is plastic and metal, because they are easy to melt down and reuse. Although many materials are already being reused, much more recycling would be possible. It works when waste is suitable. You can also contribute to this by helping to collect waste separately. With glass, for example, it is important that the glass is sorted by colour. And printed satf packaging does not belong in the paper waste but in the yellow sack.As you can see recycling as really positives sides and that's why we support this process. Everybody can recycle that's what we like so even little kids can start.It doesn't matter how old you are. Start now.

-by Eva

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